
Monday, January 4, 2016

5 Whys


The hardest part of fixing a problem is usually the root cause analysis.  It is the "Why?" that so many operational leaders and engineers fail to ask once a problem becomes apparent.  Instead they jump to the "How to fix it" step.  This is like treating the symptoms instead of identifying and correcting the cause of the issue.

The 5 Whys is a systematic approach to root cause analysis

Fortunately using a structured root cause analysis, the 5 Whys method is what can quickly get you to identify the cause of the issue and take the necessary corrective steps.  It is simply a cause and effect diagram, Pareto chart or any other type of graphical representation.  Starting on the left side of the chart, you ask the question, "Why did this problem happen?".  You then answer the question to the best of your ability.  You keep asking "why?" until a root cause is determined.  It may no take asking Why 5 times (hence the title).  You may find an answer in 2 or 3 Whys.  But it forces you to dig into the analysis and really understand what happened and not just assume you can fix the problem.

An exmple of 5 Whys:


One of the biggest problems I faced at Boeing was a high number of passenger seat  rejections on the 787 program.  After starting a formal root cause analysis program involving the entire operation, we determined there was not enough engineering checking in the process.  We recommended that management approve a more rigorous  checking process to help catch the errors earlier rather than later.  However the management  said this would be too costly and didn't approve the recommendation.  

So even though management's view  was short sided, the tools are valuable to really get to the heart of the issue. It can save a great deal of time and money if everyone is on board and understands what is going on.

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